This brownfield site is in a highly sustainable location for a new residential development. Our award-winning design team have designed a high-quality building which is sensitive to its immediate environment.
We have updated our proposals in response to feedback we received during our consultation in December 2021. We have reduced the number of apartments by a fifth and removed a storey in height (now 6, previously 7), while increasing parking provision and maintaining our commitment to provide affordable homes. The red line in the images below show the December 2021 proposal compared to our updated proposal.
75 new homes consisting of 25 one-bedroom and 50 two-bedroom apartments.
All of the new homes will be available to rent on long term assured tenancies and managed by Dandara Living.
A commitment to providing 20% affordable housing within the scheme, which will be further assessed as the proposals continue to develop. The affordable homes would be provided at a discounted rent.
A large and flexible space on the ground floor for both residents and the community.
75 secure cycle parking spaces for residents and 12 cycle spaces for visitors.
33 car parking spaces in total (equivalent to 44% provision) and 3 motorcycle spaces.
Additional and enhanced landscaping and tree planting around the site boundaries to achieve a biodiversity net gain.
The updated proposals for Blackbird Yard will provide 75 new homes consisting of 25 one-bedroom and 50 two-bedroom apartments. We have committed to providing 20% affordable housing within the scheme, which will be further assessed as the proposals continue to develop. The affordable homes would be provided at a discounted rent. All of the new homes will be available to rent on long term assured tenancies and managed by Dandara Living. We price all of our apartments at a level that is accessible to a wide range of people.
Each apartment will have its own private balcony or terrace. All of the kitchens will be fitted out with integrated appliances and the bedrooms all have built in wardrobes. The two bed apartments have been designed with sharers in mind with equal sized ensuite bedrooms.
Based on initial discussions with the local community, we understand the importance of creating a place to meet and gather. Therefore, the scheme will include a dedicated community space.
The space will be available to residents, community members and local businesses on a flexible basis. The development will become a community hub, shaped by local residents.
The overall approach to our landscape design is to provide an increase in green space on the site and to tie into the verdant character of Didsbury. Our team has been striving to maximise tree planting and green space, improving biodiversity, providing sustainable drainage solutions, and creating great spaces for people to enjoy.
The initial proposals include the removal of 21 small/medium trees in the car park and adjacent to the retaining wall to enable the building works.
We are then proposing to replace these with 39 new trees around the site. Further to this, we are proposing new areas of planting which will improve the street scene, creating a softer, more biodiverse, landscape.
Vertex, 2nd Floor
Stamford Street
WA14 1EX
Company number: 13649608 | © Dandara Living 2025